2014, Informative spatial installation, MAK Vienna
vulnerable ˈvʌlnərəbəl
1. capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or hurt
2. open to temptation, persuasion, censure, etc.
3. liable or exposed to disease, disaster, etc.
4. (Military) military liable or exposed to attack; unprotected against attack; liable to be hurt or damaged
In the installation VULNERABLE, graphic designer and artist Jürgen Bauer will employ his own typography to literally and figuratively stage the term “vulnerable” within the space. Flyers in broadsheet format will contain selected texts and writings pertaining to politics, criticism of political systems, control and feedback control systems, ethics and social fiction by authors including J. G. Ballard, Martha Rosler, Paul Virilio, Stéphane Hessel, Giorgio Agamben, Hans-Christian Dany, Tiqqun, and many others; these ponder the fragility of all systems and societies, the assailability of personal, institutional and state integrity, and the vulnerability of the individual, the artist, and even freedom itself. Visitors will be unable to elude the outsized lettering, which—eventually damaged —will come to embody this typographical experiment’s overall statement.
Hans-Christian Dany: Morgen werde ich Idiot. Kybernetik und Kontrollgesellschaft,2013
Stéphane Hessel: Empört Euch!, 2011
J. G. Ballard: High Rise, 1975
Pussy Riot: Songtexts and excerpts from the Prison Letters with Slavoj Žižek, 2013
Tiqqun: Grundbausteine einer Theorie des Jungen-Mädchens, (German Edition) 2009
Raoul Vaneigem: Zwischen der Trauer um die Welt und der Lust am Leben. Die Situationisten und die Veränderung der Haltungen, (German Edition) 2011
Paul Virilio: Die Sehmaschine, (German Edition) 1989
Giorgio Agamben: The Coming Community, 1993
Martha Rosler: The Artistic Mode of Revolution: From Gentrification to Occupation,2012
Edward Bellamy: Looking Backward: 2000–1887, 1888
Info Poster Hans Christian Dany
Info Poster Paul Virilio

Vulnerable, 2014, Scaleable, Installation MAK Vienna

Vulnerable, 2014, Scaleable, Installation MAK Vienna

Vulnerable, 2014, Scaleable, Installation MAK Vienna

Vulnerable, 2014, Installation MAK Vienna, Photo: Katrin Wißkirchen/MAK

Vulnerable, 2014, Installation MAK Vienna, Photo: Katrin Wißkirchen/MAK

Vulnerable, 2014, Installation MAK Vienna, Photo: Katrin Wißkirchen/MAK

Vulnerable, 2014, Installation MAK Vienna

Vulnerable, 2014, Installation MAK Vienna, Photo: Katrin Wißkirchen/MAK

Vulnerable, 2014, Installation MAK Vienna, Photo: Katrin Wißkirchen/MAK

Vulnerable, 2014, Font: Bauer Basic Bauhaus