Artworks & Exhibitions
This is a selection of artworks and exhibitions from 2023.
The house as a repetitive outline, meticulously rendered on canvas and paper, is complemented by a meter-long spatial intervention „House Object (1W-1B)„, which pushes its pointed roof gable in front of the exhibition walls. You peer around the corners of the house and discover that you are thrown back on yourself. On the folds of the mirror curtain, our imagination projects into the past and produces images of places and events that no longer exist in this way. Using these reflections and fluid distortions, Jürgen Bauer simultaneously questions our understanding of abstract concepts such as the nature of space and time, as well as deeply rooted social conventions that form the foundation of our perception of reality. The house as a nucleus, a symbol of lineage, family and protection, suspended in the air, seems to cast off all ballast in Bauer’s work. (Esther Mlenek) Read the complete Text
![Installation shot - House Deconstruction 55/4, verein schranken-los, Schwaz](https://juergenbauer.net/c/uploads/2024/03/Juergen_Bauer_House_Deconstruction_554_Schwaz_Bahnhof.jpg)
![Two artworks on canvas from Jürgen Bauer](https://juergenbauer.net/c/uploads/2023/06/JBauer_House_double_2022.jpg)
![Two artworks on canvas from artist Jürgen Bauer](https://juergenbauer.net/c/uploads/2023/06/JBauer_two_artworks_2023.jpg)
![Artwork on canvas from Jürgen Bauer, House Repetition, 2023](https://juergenbauer.net/c/uploads/2023/06/JB_House_Rep_Medium_pos_2023.jpg)
![Artwork on canvas from artist Jürgen Bauer from 2023](https://juergenbauer.net/c/uploads/2023/06/JB_House_displaced_red-and-white_2023.jpg)
![Artwork on canvas from Jürgen Bauer, House Deconstruction, 2023](https://juergenbauer.net/c/uploads/2023/06/JB_House_Rep_Medium_Web_2023.jpg)